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Turkey: Introduction of New Regulation on Environmental Inspection

Environment Examination Regulation number 27061 has been repealed and the new regulation number 31509 dated 12 June 2021 was published in Official Gazette wherein the main revisions made on determination of the pollution by the inspectors and it may not be needed to take samples when the pollutant, polluted area and the origin of the pollution could be determined and recorded by photographs, video, aerial photos or any other technical devices.

The new regulation does not contain any increase on fine amount, thus the Pollution tariff 2021 is still valid.

Referring our recommendations in the attached 2021 tariff and in addition to our company circular regarding scrubber usage in Turkey, the vessels calling Turkish ports or entering Turkish waters should pay utmost attention and to take all steps not to cause any pollution by leakage/spillage of any kind of materials (paintings, oil, bilges, any kind of ballast, all kind of residues, garbage, dirty waters, sewage waters, laundry waters with detergent, lavatory soap waters, shower waters, dust, rust etc.)

Originally posted on: UK P&I

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